But we would not be prepared to agree to set a date for starting the next stage of economic and monetary union before there is any agreement on what that stage should comprise. 但在开始为下一阶段的经济和货币联盟登上舞台做好准备之前,我们并不会为这个协议的实现设定一个日期。
First they could not agree on a candidate to head the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank in 2011 and 2012. Then recently India and South Africa signaled they may backtrack on a trade agreement initially endorsed by all five countries. 当初,它们在2011和2012年未能就IMF和世界银行负责人提名达成一致;而今,印度和南非近期又表示它们可能退出五国均已初步认可的贸易协议。
But this is no trivial law. It is a central part of the contract between the members of the Monetary Union: their agreement not transfer risk or resources through money creation. 但这不是无关紧要的法律,它是欧元区成员国之间协定的中心部分:它们约定不通过创造货币来转移风险或资源。
In response, the Monetary Authority formally acknowledged the receipt of the letter and expressed his understanding and agreement to the contents therein. 金融管理专员则就此正式认收该函件,以及表示明白及同意函件的内容。
Stung by the reluctance of the traditional donor nations and the International Monetary Fund to reach a financing agreement because of concerns over corruption, they say they saw China as an obvious alternative. 由于对安哥拉的腐败心存忧虑,传统捐助国和国际货币基金组织(IMF)不愿与其达成融资协议。受此刺激,安哥拉官员表示,他们将中国视为一个显然的替代选择。
Factors the influence interest: inflation rate, monetary policy, exchange rate policy, international agreement and international privity. 影响利率的因素:通货膨胀率,货币政策,汇率政策,国际协议,国际默契。
The term includes a monetary unit of account established by an intergovernmental organization or by agreement between two or more countries. 本术语包括政府间组织或者两个或两个以上国家之间协议确定的货币记账单位。
The Asian Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations are in broad agreement: capital controls are legitimate tools for governments facing investment inflows that threaten to unsettle their economies. 亚洲开发银行(ADB)、国际货币基金组织(IMF)和联合国(UN)达成了广泛一致:对于外资流入过多、以至于威胁其经济稳定的国家而言,资本管制是一种合法工具。
Official discussions of the reform of the international monetary system do not include any advocates of a return to gold, and the IMF articles of agreement prohibit it. 在改革国际货币体系的官方讨论中,不包括任何回归金本位的倡议,而且IMF协议条款也禁止这种做法。
In April the International Monetary Fund concluded a two-year standby agreement with a total international financial support of$ 33bn for two years, of which the IMF itself will contribute$ 17bn. 今年4月,国际货币基金组织(IMF)与乌克兰达成了一项两年备用协议,将在两年内提供总计330亿美元的国际资金支持,其中,IMF自己将出资170亿美元。
The monetary system of the Western World is based on the agreement on the establishment of the International monetary Fund ( IMF), which was made at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire ( USA), in1944. 西方世界的货币体系是根据1944年在美国新罕布什尔州布雷顿森林制定的关于建立国际货币基金组织协议而形成的。
I will not knowingly take any personal, professional, or monetary advantage or benefit of the coach-client relationship, except by a form of compensation as agreed in the agreement or contract. 除了协议或合同中规定的报酬形式外,我不会有意地从教练与客户的关系中获取任何私人的、职业上的、或者金钱上的好处和利益。
Eswar Prasad, formerly a senior international monetary fund official, said: "the summit will highlight areas of general agreement, even if those lack specifics, and paper over areas where there are deep fractures among the G20." 国际货币基金组织(imf)前高级官员埃斯瓦普拉萨德(eswarprasad)表示:“峰会将强调各方达成一般共识的领域即便那些共识缺乏具体细节同时掩饰g20国家之间存在深刻分歧的领域。”
When the monetary cooperation of East Asia made little progress, China signed the trade agreement of freedom with Association of South-east Asian Nations formally in October of 2002, have started China-the construction of ASEAN Free Trade Area. 正当东亚货币合作进展缓慢之时,中国和东盟于2002年10月正式签署了自由贸易协定,启动了中国&东盟自由贸易区的建设。
The consumptive credit is the loan and credit that the commercial banks offer the consumers for buying the goods or the labor service in the form of the monetary shape or the agreement. 消费信贷是商业银行以货币形态或契约形式向消费者提供的用于购买商品或劳务的贷款和信用。
International Monetary Fund Agreement ( hereinafter as the "Agreement") is publicly known as the main source of international exchange rate law system. 《国际货币基金协定》(以下称《协定》)是公认的国际汇率法律制度的最主要的渊源。